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Cells are the basic unit of life

We lay the chemical foundation for our study of life in the next three chapters, after which we will turn to cells and the processes by which they live, reproduce, age, and die.
The processes of evolution have led to the millions of diverse organisms living on Earth today. Archaea (A) and bacteria (B) are all single-celled, prokaryotic organisms, as described in Chapter 26. (C) Many protists are unicellular but, as discussed in Chapter 27, their cell structures are more complex than those of the prokaryotes. This protist has manufactured “plates” of calcium carbonate that surround and protect its single cell. (D–G) Most of the visible life on Earth is multicellular. Chapters 28 and 29 cover the green plants (D). The other broad groups of multicellular organisms are the fungi (E), discussed in Chapter 30, and the animals (F, G), covered in Chapters 31–33.

Some organisms are unicellular, consisting of a single cell that carries out  all the functions of life (Figure 1.1A–C). Others are multicellularmade up of many cells that are specialized for different functions (Figure 1.1D–G). Viruses are acellular, although they depend on cellular organisms. The discovery of cells was made possible by the invention of the microscope in the 1590s by the Dutch spectacle makers Hans and Zaccharias Janssen (father and son). In the mid- to late 1600s, Antony van Leeuwenhoek of Holland and Robert Hooke of England both made improvements on the Janssens’ technology and used it to study living organisms. Van Leeuwenhoek discovered that drops of pond water teemed with single-celled organisms, and he made many other discoveries as he progressively improved his microscopes over a long lifetime of research.
The development of microscopes revealed the microbial world to seventeenth-century scientists such as Robert Hooke, who proposed the concept of cells based on his observations. (A) Hooke drew the cells of a slice of plant tissue (cork) as he saw them under his optical microscope. (B) A modern optical, or “light,” microscope reveals the intricacies of cells in a leaf. (C) Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) allow scientists to see even smaller objects. TEMs do not visualize color; here color has been added to a black-and-white micrograph of cells in a duckweed stem.

Hooke put pieces of plants under his microscope and observed that they were made up of repeated units he called cells (Figure 1.2). In 1676, Hooke wrote that van Leeuwenhoek had observed “a vast number of small animals in his Excrements which were most abounding when he was troubled with a Loosenesse and very few or none when he was well.” This simple observation represents the discovery of bacteria—and makes one wonder why scientists do some of the things they do. More than a hundred years passed before studies of cells advanced significantly. As they were dining together one evening in 1838, Matthias Schleiden, a German biologist, and Theodor Schwann, from Belgium, discussed their work on plant and animal tissues, respectively. They were struck by the similarities in their observations and came to the conclusion that the basic structural elements of plants and animals were essentially the same. They formulated their conclusion as the cell theory, which states that:
Cells are the basic structural and physiological units of all living organisms.Cells are both distinct entities and building blocks of more complex organisms.
But Schleiden and Schwann also believed (wrongly) that cells emerged by the self-assembly of nonliving materials, much as crystals form in a solution of salt. This conclusion was in ac
cordance with the prevailing view of the day, which was that life can arise from non-life by spontaneous generation—mice from dirty clothes, maggots from dead meat, or insects from
pond water. The debate continued until 1859, when the French Academy of Sciences sponsored a contest for the best experiment to prove or disprove spontaneous generation. The prize was won by the great French scientist Louis Pasteur, who demonstrated that sterile broth directly exposed to the dirt and dust in air developed a culture of microorganisms, but a similar container of broth not directly exposed to air remained sterile (see Figure 4.7). Pasteur’s experiment did not prove that it was microorganisms in the air that caused the broth to become infected, but it did uphold the conclusion that life must be present in order for new life to be generated.
Today scientists accept the fact that all cells come from preexisting cells and that the functional properties of organisms derive from the properties of their cells. Since cells of all kinds share both essential mechanisms and a common ancestry that goes back billions of years, modern cell theory has additional elements:
All cells come from preexisting cells.All cells are similar in chemical composition.Most of the chemical reactions of life occur in aqueous solution within cells.Complete sets of genetic information are replicated and passed on during cell division.Viruses lack cellular structure but remain dependent on cellular organisms.
At the same time Schleiden and Schwann were building the foundation for the cell theory, Charles Darwin was beginning to understand how organisms undergo evolutionary change.

Ref: Life The Science of Biology NINTH EDITION


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